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    Group A 結果共134筆

  • Taiwanese consumers concerned about hygiene of reusable cups

    According to a study by the environmental advocacy group RE-THINK, 60% of Taiwanese are skeptical about the cleanliness of store-provided reusable cups.
    2023/05/07 12:37
  • Taiwan elementary students invent automatic shrimp peeler

    A group of elementary students in Hsinchu, Taiwan, have recently made headlines for inventing an automatic shrimp peeler under the guidance of their teacher. 
    2023/03/20 19:12
  • Chiang Wan-an faces lawsuit over Chiang Kai‐shek’s remains

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A pro-Taiwan group filed a lawsuit against Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an on Wednesday (March 1), urging him to bury the coffin of his great grandfather, former President Chiang Kai-shek. 
    2023/03/06 18:51
  • 在跑步機扭傷!腿冒紫斑誤認瘀青 他遭「食肉菌吞噬」喪命

    傷勢再輕微都不該掉以輕心!美國近日通報一起醫療個案,來自佛州的11歲男童,在使用跑步機時不慎扭到腳踝,原本以為只是單純的扭傷、因此並沒有放在心上,沒想到過了幾天後,男童竟出現高燒不退、腿部冒出大量紫紅色斑點的症狀,就醫發現是食肉菌(flesh-eating bacteria)感染後不治身亡。
    2023/02/18 09:20
  • Australian delegation wraps up unofficial visit to Taiwan

    A cross-party group of federal politicians from Australia wrapped up a five-day visit to Taiwan on Friday (Dec. 9), meeting privately with President Tsai Ing-wen on Thursday morning, and remaining low-key during their entire stay. 
    2022/12/10 09:22
  • Elementary students pick up waste around Heping Island

    An elementary school in Keelung is incorporating environmental clean-up activities into their cirriculum. A group of sixth-grade elementary school students participated in a clean-up event around Heping Island.
    2022/11/22 07:15
  • Distracted Taiwanese driver crushes very expensive bicycles

    A distracted driver crushed eight expensive bicycles belonging to a group of cyclists who planned to partake in a cycling event in Kaoshiung, southern Taiwan on Sunday (Nov. 6).
    2022/11/07 18:29
  • 誰說台南只有小吃! 時尚生活精品美學展周末登場

    2019 [時尚生活  精品美學展],由R+A Design Group及正藝美學空間共同主辦策劃,邀請臺灣藝術時尚協會、中華民國室內設計協會、意念工房、木易山風藝品館、徠禮傢俱及Finara生活精品等品牌協辦參展,本週六(8/17)上午十點在台南市永福路一段189號2樓,正藝美學空間正式開幕展出。從8/17起到10/20止,為期兩個月的展期中,展出二十位設計師私人收藏、精品傢飾、生活器物共234件。
    2019/08/15 18:29
  • 日韓互刪優惠國待遇 千種出口項目受限

    日韓貿易戰爭升級,2號上午日本宣布,將南韓剔除在出口優惠國Group A 之外,遭到限制出口的項目從三種,擴大到1千多種;南韓在幾個小時火速報復,宣布將日本也從出口優惠國名單刪除,總統文在寅並且對日本發出嚴重警告,恐怕加劇南韓抵制日貨的情勢。日本品牌優衣庫,上個月在南韓營收跳水四成,傳出有店面即將關門;日韓在夏季交流也幾乎全泡湯,兩國關係恐將進一步惡化。
    2019/08/02 20:00
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